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Prof. John H. Munro                  
Department of Economics               
University of Toronto 

11 February 2009

                          ECONOMICS 303Y1

          The Economic History of Modern Europe to1914

                           Prof. John Munro

                          Lecture Topic No. 22:


D.   Germany: Peasant Emancipation and Agricultural Modernization to 1914


1.      Introduction: Our Historical Objectives
a) to examine to what extent agrarian changes in Germany (or what became Germany) during the 19th
century both resembled and differed from the French model:
#        i.e., the model established by the French Revolutionary Land Reforms, 1790 - 1795
#       and spread across the Rhine into Germany by the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic invasions,
        from 1792 to 1815.
#       In essence, the German model of agrarian reform was to impose peasant emancipation from above
        in order to avoid peasant revolution from below.
b) to ascertain to what extent these agrarian changes promoted German economic development: both
in terms of demographic growth and industrial growth – especially urban industrialization.
c) and thus again to compare the similarities and differences in 19th century economic development:
to be found among the three countries so far examined: Great Britain, France, and Germany (with Russia yet
to come).

2.      A Preview: German Agriculture and Serfdom on the Eve of the French Revolution.
a) German agriculture was (and subsequently remained) sharply divided in characteristics between
eastern and western zones: with the Elbe river [see map] marking the approximate boundary between the
two zones.
b) German agriculture west of the Elbe River: here the agrarian structure was very similar to that of
northern France, already analysed:
i) manorialism and serfdom had long ago decayed in the West, as in France: with only a very few
scattered, non-commercialized areas still having any servile peasantry.
ii) This region was largely one of very small peasant tenancies:
(1) i.e., with peasants operating under traditional communal open-field systems, with small unconsolidated
holdings, i.e., tenancies in the form of scattered plough strips in the open fields.
(2) In the West there were relatively few large landlord estates:
#       the majority of landlords had leased out most of the demesne, or even the entire demesne (domain),
        to peasant tenants,
#       much in the same way already seen in France.
c) German agriculture east of the Elbe River: large-estate agriculture, predominantly, though with many
medium and small size farming units (as map on the screen will show).

i) The Elbe river had long served as a boundary line:
(1) marking the point of departure for the medieval Germanic conquests and settlements of the Slavic lands
to the east:
(2) what the Germans called Drang Nach Osten (‘Drive to the East’) – with more ominous overtones in the
20th century, especially or course during World War II.
ii) The term ‘second serfdom’ refers to the fact much earlier, during the High Middle Ages,
(1) much of the peasantry in eastern Europe had remained free, until about the 14th century
#        especially on the colonized lands that Germanic peoples had colonized from the late 12th century, at
         the invitation of Slavic landlords and the Church,
#        while much of the peasantry in western Europe suffered the burdens of serfdom during the later
         medieval era, i.e., up to the 14th century;
(2) That relative freedom in the East had been a major force in attracting western colonists.
iii) But then, while serfdom was slowly disappearing or eroding in later-medieval western Europe,
during the later 14th, 15th, and early 16th centuries -- virtually gone by early-modern times,
(1) the opposite was happening in Europe east of the Elbe: from the later 15th and especially the 16th and 17th
centuries, most of these free peasant had been absorbed by large landlord estates,
(2) especially into and by the large estates of Prussian (East German) aristocratic landlords called Junkers.1
(3) those peasants who worked these estates were subjected to a harsh serfdom, binding the peasants to their

           From and Wikipedia: ‘Junkers (English pronunciation: [0jõk c]; German
pronunciation: [0jõ kX]) were the landed nobility of Prussia and Eastern Germany - lands which are often
also called "Eastelbia" (Ostelbien in German - the land east of river Elbe). These families were mostly part
of the German Uradel (very old feudal nobility) and carried on the colonization and Christianization of the
northeastern European territories in the 11th, 12th and 13th century. "Junker" in German means "young lord",
and is understood as country squire. It is probably derived from the German words Junger Herr, or Young
Lord. As part of the nobility, many Junker families have particles such as "von" or "zu" before their family
names. In the Middle Ages, a Junker was simply a lesser noble, often poor and politically insignificant. A
good number of poor Junkers took up careers as soldiers and mercenaries. Over the centuries, they rose from
disreputable captains of mercenary cutthroats to influential commanders and landowners in the 19th century.
Being the bulwark of the Hohenzollern Empire, the Junkers controlled the military, leading in political
influence and social status, and owning immense estates, especially in the north-eastern half of Germany
(Brandenburg, Mecklenburg, Pommerania, East Prussia, Saxony, Silesia). Their political influence extended
from the German Empire of 1871 to 1918 through the Weimar Republic of 1919–1933. It was said that
Prussia ruled Germany, the Junkers ruled Prussia, and through it the Empire itself. They dominated all the
higher civil offices and officer corps of the army and navy. Supporting monarchism and military traditions,
they were often reactionary and protectionist; they were often anti-liberal, siding with the conservative
monarchist forces during the Revolution of 1848. Their political interests were served by the German
Conservative Party in the Reichstag and the extraparliamentary Agrarian League. This political class held
tremendous power over the industrial classes and the government. When Chancellor Caprivi reduced the
protective duties on imports of grain, these landed magnates demanded and obtained his dismissal; and in
1902, they brought about a restoration of such duties on foodstuffs as would keep the prices of their own
products at a high level. The German statesman Otto von Bismarck was a noted Junker.’

holdings and to the landlord, as chattels.
(4) This serfdom meant
#        compulsory and arbitrary labour duties on the domain (demesne) lands of their landlords,
#        thus leaving them less time to work their own holdings.
iv) The further east one travelled, the worse became the serfdom.
v) The historical significance of the Second Serfdom should be obvious:
(1) the fact that eastern Europe was subjected to a growing spreading serfdom at the very time when the
peasantry of western Europe was becoming freer and freer.
(2) that difference was an important factor in widening the economic gulf between east and west, especially
in terms of agricultural productivity.
d) The causes of this serfdom are enormously complex, varying by region and time: not all of eastern
Europe became engulfed in serfdom at the same time, and the process spread slowly and unevenly from the
15th to 17th centuries
i) demographic model: For other parts of eastern Europe: the Evsey Domar model 2
(1) According to this model, the next major period of the ‘second serfdom’, in other parts of eastern Europe,
was during the demographic crises or stagnation of the 17th century,
#        especially with the Thirty-Years War (1618-1648) and its aftermath,
#        producing a scarcity of both labour and rent-paying tenants.
(2) Table 2 in the Appendix does indicate that eastern Europe’s population
#        fell from about 7.70 million in 1600 to 7.10 million in 1650,
#        and had recovered to only 7.40 million by 1700
#        over this period, this region’s share of Europe’s total population fell from 9.9% to 8.9% of the total
(2) Thus, with labour scarcity, an altered land:labour ratio, landlords sought to impose serfdom on their
formerly free peasant tenants in order to prevent tenants from bidding down rents and also to prevent them,
as agricultural workers, from bidding up wages.
(3) Thus peasants were subjected to arbitrary labour obligations, the corvée labour explained above, in the
previous commercial model, i.e., when it was really involuntary.
(4) The second serfdom is thus seen as a manifestation of the so-called ‘General Crisis of the 17th Century’
(referred to in the first term):

          Evsey D. Domar, ‘The Causes of Slavery or Serfdom: A Hypothesis’, Journal of Economic History,
30 (Mar. 1970), 18-32; Evsey Domar and Mark Machina, ‘On the Profitability of Russian Serfdom’, Journal
of Economic History, 44 (December 1984), 919-55; Evsey D. Domar, Capitalism, Socialism, and Serfdom
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989). Collected essays. His model is similar to the one that the
French economic historian, Marc Bloch, proposed to explain the original rise of serfdom in the late-Roman
Empire: elevating the status of slaves and depressing the status of free peasants.

#         but this model has also only a limited applicability,
#         because it cannot apply to regions where serfdom spread during population growth, and into regions
          with excess labour.
#         indeed, the major spread of serfdom into eastern Germany and Poland accompanied a period of
          population growth – and one of inflation
#         so let us consider an alternative model
ii) The Commercial Model for Prussia and Poland: in Germany east of the Elbe, especially those lands
bordering on the Vistula river in Prussia and Poland, the favourite explanation is instead a commercial
(1) The impact of European population growth and urbanization in the 16th and early 17th centuries:
#         From 1600 to 1700, Europe’s total population grew from 60.9 million to 77.9 million4 : an increase
          o 30.5%
#         at the same time urbanization expanded much more rapidly, as indicated by the following table,
          showing a very large increase in the number of large towns in Europe
                              Number of Cities in the Indicated Population Range
Year                50,000-                     100,000                                Over 400,000
                    100,000                     400,000
1300                4                           3 (or 4?)                 0

1500                 5                          5                         0

1650                14                          12                        3

1750                512                         43                        4

#         most of the towns in western Europe could not be adequately fed from regional grain growing farm
#         thus, there was a very considerable expansion in imports of relatively cheap grain from the Baltic
          lands, especially eastern Germany and Poland

         Best expressed in: Eric Hobsbawm, ‘The Crisis of the Seventeenth Century’, Past & Present, nos.
5-6 (1954), reprinted in Trevor Aston, ed., Crisis in Europe, 1550 - 1660 (London, 1965), especially pp.
20-21, 33-37.
              See table 2 below (based on Jan de Vries)

#       a demand to which the German Hanse and the Dutch seaborne merchants quickly responded.
#       indeed, the Baltic grain trade became the mainstay of Dutch overseas commerce until the mid 17th
(2) That rapidly growing grain trade promoted, according to this model, the creation of vast grain estates
using gangs of servile labour to produce grains – rye and barley: hence the subjection of formerly free
peasant villages to gain both their lands and cheap labour.
(3) Servile labour is known as corvée labour:
#       and can be seen as a form of rental payments, so that servile peasants, as a condition of their
        tenancies, are required to work on the lord’s estate for one or more day’s a week without wages, up
        to three days per week.
#       in some eastern European villages, peasants voluntarily subjected themselves to this form of rental
        payments rather than paying fixed shares of their harvest, when agricultural prices were rising.
#       so not all serfdom was necessarily involuntary;
#       and not all forms of serfdom are the same;
#       but as a rule of thumb genuine serfdom was involuntary and arbitrary in the nature of the exactions.
(4) The shift from Grundherrschaft to Gutsherrschaft: are the terms given to this transition in the
organization of feudal estates: a topic previously introduced in our history of French agriculture
#       from Grundherrschaft: a system based on peasant land rents: i.e., in which peasant rentals provided
        the bulk of manorial incomes
#       to Gutsherrschaft: a manorial system from which the bulk of the manorial incomes were derived from
        the exploitation of the feudal demesne (domain) for commercial profit, using servile labour to work
        the demesne lands.
(5) Fundamental question: what explains the feudal landlord mentality to make this transition, when
population was growing, so that a change in the land:labour ratio should have made wage-labour relatively
cheaper: thus why use servile labour?
(6) Especially, if one assumes that free wage-labour would be more productive than servile labour.
(7) Inflation provides the answer:5 as we noted previously, in discussing French agriculture

           This part of the model will not be found in Hobsbawm, Brenner (see n. 5) or any other similar
studies; it is my interpretation of the economics of such estates, based on my knowledge of East European
demographic and monetary history. This model may be compared to the responses of many English manorial
lords (or other landlords) during the 16th century Price Revolution (c.1520-1640) and again in the 18th century,
in order to capture the rising economic rent on land (i.e., take it away from the customary peasant tenants):
namely, Enclosures, by which these landlords evicted their customary peasant tenants, destroyed the
communal Open Field system, amalgamated their tenancy strips into compact unified farms, which they then
leased out to capitalist farmers, with leases short enough to allow landlords to recapture economic rents
periodically, i.e., after the expiration of the leases. See ECO 301Y, lecture no. 17; and ECO 303Y, lecture
#       This transition occurred during the inflationary Price Revolution era (ca. 1520 - c. 1650),
        exacerbated by regional coinage debasements (East Prussia, Poland, etc).
#       but most feudal rents, for peasant tenancies, were fixed in money-of-account terms, and thus were
        not adjusted for inflation, so that they declined in real terms.
#       consequently, under these circumstances, the peasant tenant and not the landlord would reap most
        of the rising economic on rent
#       thus the shift from Grundherrschaft to Gutsherrschaft represents the landlord’s motivation to
        recapture that economic rent, by exploiting his domain lands for commercial profit
#       the landlord also gained by taking his peasant-tenancy rents in labour services, rather than in money
        rents (given that such rents are diminishing in real terms with inflation).
(8) A statistical illustration of the nature and importance of this East-Prussian and Polish Grundherrschaft
model can be see in the following table for Brandenburg in 1601:

                            Composition of the Capitalized Market Value
                 of the Stavenow Manorial Estates in Brandenburg (East Germany)
                                              in 1601

                         ASSETS                               Value in       Percent       Value in       Percent
                                                               Gulden       Subtotal        Gulden        of Total

    Manor: House and Demesne Farm Buildings                                                   5,813        8.66%
    Manorial Forest: Income from                                                             15,552       23.16%

    Demesne Production

    Grain Sales: income from                                    12,104        45.44%
    Livestock Production: income from sales                     10,917        40.99%
    Fisheries and Gardens: income from                           3,615        13.57%

    Sub-total of Demesne incomes                                26,636       100.00%         26,636       39.66%

    Manorial Jurisdictions and Properties

    Manorial Courts and Jurisdictional Fees                       4,400       72.74%
    Manorial Mills: rental incomes                                1,649       27.26%

    Sub-total of Manorial Jurisdictions                           6,049      100.00%          6,049         9.01%

    Peasant Rents: Servile Tenancies

    Labour Services                                               8,454       79.06%
    Rents in kind: in grain                                       1,375       12.86%

no. 6, with this URL:

                         ASSETS                               Value in       Percent       Value in       Percent
                                                               Gulden       Subtotal        Gulden        of Total

    Rents in cash: money payments                                    864         8.08%

    Sub-total of Peasant Rents                                  10,693      100.00%          10,693       15.92%

    Foreign Peasants': Short Term Rents

    Labour Services                                                 1,609    66.68%
    Rents in kind: in grain                                           804    33.32%

    Sub-total of 'Foreign Peasants' Rents                           2,413   100.00%           2,413         3.59%

    TOTAL VALUES                                                                             67,156      100.00%

Source: William Hagen, ‘How Mighty the Junkers? Peasant Rents and Seigneurial Profits in Sixteenth-
Century Brandenburg’, Past & Present, no. 108 (August 1985), p. 100.

(9) While this thesis may appear to be apt or useful for this region, for parts of Prussia and Poland
(Vistula river valley), in particular, it hardly explains the spreading stain of serfdom into other areas of
eastern Europe, where arable agriculture did not produce any significant export commodities;
(10) Even in many parts of grain producing Poland it does not work: that some areas became enserfed (or
more fully enserfed) after the decline of the Baltic grain trade.
iii) Institutional Model: Landlords vs. the prince and peasants (the Jerome Blum model):6
The only common feature of the Second Serfdom concerns the political and economic powers of the
landlords, feudal and especially Junker landlords, who enserfed their tenants:
(1) The absence or weakness of peasant village organizations or other cohesive peasant communities able to
resist the powers of aggressive feudal landlords.
(2) The absence of weakness of market structures, especially urban based market structures, to allow peasants
to engage in commercialized agriculture, to satisfy landlords with cash rents.
(3) Above all the absence or weakness of centralized monarchical power, as in western Europe, to resist this
expansion of feudal landlord power – which meant military power.
(4) In many cases, the kings or princes of eastern Europe made a tacit or explicit compact with the feudal

          Jerome Blum, ‘The Rise of Serfdom in Eastern Europe’, American Historical Review, 62 (July
1957), 807-36; Jerome Blum, The End of the Old Order in Rural Europe (Princeton, 1978). See also a further
elaboration of this thesis in: Robert Brenner, ‘Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in
Pre-Industrial Europe’, Past and Present, no. 70 (February 1976), pp. 30-74, reprinted in T. H. Aston and C.
H. E. Philpin, eds., The Brenner Debate: Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in
Pre-Industrial Europe (Cambridge, 1985), pp. 10 - 63.

#       in return for the political support of these feudal magnates, and for their support for royal or princely
        justice and police powers in the territorial state (kingdom, duchy, etc.),
#       the king or prince would not interfere with the jurisdiction of the feudal magnates within their estates,
        i.e., the jurisdiction over their peasantry.
(5) That same compact had once been true in medieval England, as I had mentioned before;
#       but the compact broke down from the later 14th century, and serfdom then declined,
#       as the crown (royal power) asserted its authority over feudal powers and courts within England (also
        in France)
(6) Why did landlords seek to enserf and thus oppress their peasant tenants?
#       please understand clearly that serfdom does mean oppression: the denial of liberty and other basic
        human rights
#       it does mean exploitation with arbitrary exactions (e.g., labour services), if not checked by feudal-
        manorial customs (‘customary law’)
#       Thus: do landlords seek the power to oppress and enserf peasants because that is what landlords were
        expected to do: for the love of power?
(6) In my view, this Blum-Brenner thesis on class relationships and relative powers of landlords and tenants
makes sense only if we explain landlord motivations, in switching from Grundsherrschaft to Gutsherrschaft,
in the fashion so described
iv) In summary: The process of this so-called Second Serfdom was a slow, piecemeal one,
(1) taking place for many complex reasons (explored in greater depth in my Eco. 301Y course), 7
(2) extending over about two centuries, from the later 15th to later 17th centuries,
(3) reaching its peak in the 18th century,
(4) in Mecklenburg, Brandenburg, Prussia, Poland, Lithuania, and Russia (and also in Bohemia-Moravia,
Hungary, Rumania, etc.).
(5) In the regions of East Prussia and Poland: along the Vistula River valley in particular, large centrally-
run estates were organized for the production and export of grain (rye).

3.      German Peasant Emancipation in the 19th Century:
a) German ‘peasant emancipation’ during the 19th century was essentially emancipation from above,
i) i.e., by the state, to avoid emancipation from below, by peasant revolution,
ii) a persistent: fear created by the forces of the French Revolution and Napoleonic occupation of western

            See ECO 301Y lecture no 7:

iii) Indeed the French Revolution and the revolutionary land reforms set the model: for not only
Germany, but much of the rest of Europe as well (including Russia).
iv) we must carefully observe both the similarities with and the differences from the French experience of
peasant emancipation after the French Revolution
b) Peasant Emancipation in Western Germany (outside of Prussia):
i) In those Rhineland territories occupied by Napoleon:
(1) the French military occupiers had abolished all feudal and servile ties outright,
(2) giving the German peasantry the same rights enjoyed by French peasants.
ii) Kingdom of Bavaria: succumbing to French pressure, abolished serfdom entirely in 1803.
iii) Kingdoms of Saxony and Hanover:
(1) resisted, however, any changes until a peasant revolt in 1830 forced these kingdoms to begin dismantling
serfdom, along the same lines.
(2) 1834: Saxony also established land banks to assist peasantry in buying their freedom.
c) The Kingdom of Prussia (the largest in Germany):
i) The Stein-Hardenberg reforms:
(1) In response to the consequences of French Revolution, Napoleonic conquests in the west, and peasant
emancipation there,
(2) the Prussian government began dismantling serfdom with a series of edicts between 1805 and 1821,
known as the Stein-Hardenberg reforms.
ii) Basic provisions in summary (to 1821):
(1) servile peasants who owed labour services but who also owned a plough team:
#        could purchase both their personal freedom and some of their land by handing over a portion of their
         tenancies to the landlord.
#        If they held their lands by hereditary tenure, they had to surrender only one-third;
#        If not, if they had no hereditary lands, they had to cede one half of their tenures.
(2) small servile peasants, serfs without plough teams: were originally excluded from these decrees to
maintain a labour supply for the Junkers.
iii) This, therefore, was emancipation from above according to the philosophy of economic liberalism:
in effect,
(1) it really meant the loss of any feudal protection for the peasants,
(2) while protecting the property rights of the landlords, compensating them for any losses.
iv) Prussian Emancipation Law of 1850: in response to the abortive (but European wide) revolutions of
1848, the Prussian government hastily completed the process of peasant emancipation to give eastern
peasants the same rights as those enjoyed in the west:

(1) all remaining servile obligations and dues, all feudal ties, were henceforth abolished;
(2) and all peasant tenures were declared freehold.
(3) all economic charges on land tenures were made fully redeemable in cash, which could be paid annually
in form of increased rents.
(4) it was no longer necessary for any peasant to surrender any of his holdings to obtain freedom and title to
his land.
v) The Rentenbank, an agricultural land-bank: Following the Saxon model, the Prussian government set
up a land bank to assist the peasants in buying their lands.

4.          Economic and Social Consequences of Peasant Emancipation:
In general, the consequences were a perpetuation of those ancient east-west divisions across the Elbe, but
under new conditions that favoured the Junker landlords in the east and the peasantry in the West.
a) The Lands East of the Elbe River:
i) the chief gainers, to repeat, were the Junker landlords of East Elbia:8:
(1) not their serfs, because the pre-1850 emancipation laws proved so costly to the peasantry,
(2) who thus had to give up from a third to half of their lands to the landlord, depending upon their status, to
win their freedom.
ii) Many peasants who did yield their lands under these circumstances found their remaining holdings
in the Common Fields too small to be economically viable: and so many of them sold their lands entirely
to the Junker landlords.

                  German Agriculture in the early 20th century:
                  1907 (But in terms of post 1919-frontiers)

 Category of Land             Percentages of the Total Arable Area per Category
 holdings: measured in        in hectares
 hectares                     East                       Rest of                     All of
                              Elbia*                     Germany                      Germany

 Under 5 ha.                                     8.7%                      21.0%                       16.2%

       The most recent study is by a Professor Emeritus or our Department of Economics: Scott M. Eddie,
Landownership in Eastern Germany Before the Great War (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press,

 Category of Land           Percentages of the Total Arable Area per Category
 holdings: measured in      in hectares
 hectares                   East                        Rest of                    All of
                            Elbia*                      Germany                     Germany

 5 - 20 ha.                                   21.3%                       41.0%                      33.4%

 20 - 100 ha.                                 29.5%                       29.9%                      29.8%

 Over 100 ha.                                 40.5%                        8.1%                      20.6%

 Over 20 ha.                                  70.0%                      38.0%                       50.4%

* East Elbia: Posen and West Prussia, East Prussia, Pomerania, Brandenburg-Berlin, Silesia, Mecklenburg.

iii) Consequently by all such means, the eastern Junker landlords acquired about a million hectares
(2.5 million acres), of peasant lands by 1860s.
iv) The Junkers also gained economically by having their estates completely separated from peasant
holdings: 9
(1) Note: when, in earlier times, landlords had leased out portions of their demesnes to peasant, they often
did so in the traditional Common Field form of scattered plough strips, intermingled with the demesne strips
that the landlord had retained
(2) This curious system, also found in the West (and also in England), had the advantage for the landlord of
having the peasants plough these demesne lands for the landlord (virtually free labour)
(3) Now, after peasant emancipation, the manorial lords were thus better able to enclose their own lands to
create compact often vast farms: i.e., enclosure without concern for peasant property rights.
(4) With enclosure and untrammelled completely separated property rights, Junker landowners could now
use their lands more effectively as collateral to borrow money through mortgages.

          Note that especially from later medieval and/or early modern times, many landlords had allowed
some or all of their domain lands to become mixed with the peasant tenancies in the great open fields,
especially after leasing some domain lands to peasants. With increased labour exactions from servile peasant
tenants, to work domain lands, that process was facilitated if domain strips to be cultivated were close to or
adjacent to the strips of the peasants supplying such labour.

v) Many and finally most of those Junkers who enclosed and amalgamated their estates, and similarly
also the larger peasant farmers who similarly engaged in enclosures, quickly modernized their farming
(1) They replaced the traditional three field systems with convertible husbandry and multiple course crop
rotations, thus greatly reducing the fallow.
(2) Subsequently as we shall see they also led the way in applying chemical fertilizers and steam-powered
farm machinery.
vi) The necessary labour force to work these large estates or commercial farms came from the growing
number of dispossessed landless peasants: in sharp contrast to France, eastern Germany had a surplus rather
than a scarcity of agricultural peasant labour.
b) The Lands West of the Elbe River:
i) Here the land distribution was much more akin to that found in northern France after the
Revolution: i.e., strongly skewed to small-scale peasant farming.
ii) In south-west Germany, especially, most of the land was distributed in the form of very small scale
peasant holdings: smaller indeed than was typical in France.
iii) In central Germany, however, just west of the Elbe: we find a predominance of medium sized holdings
(smaller nobility, gentry, richer peasants).
iv) From the 1850s the spread of the railways, as in France, greatly promoted the spread of enclosures, by
promoting the commercialization of agriculture, and by reducing farming costs.
v) furthermore, the development of coal mining was also important: in reducing the need for wood fuel
and thus permitting much forest land to be cleared and enclosed.
vi) Again, as was the case in France, enclosure in western Germany did not generally lead to large-scale
estates: again enclosure was more in the form of reallocation of peasant strips into compact but small farms.

5.       Technical Advances in German Agriculture
a) Productivity Gains:
i) Of all European countries (certainly continental countries) after 1850, Germany -- central and eastern
Germany -- made far and away the greatest technical advances in agriculture, achieved by far the greatest
productivity gains.
ii) Those gains were all the more impressive, when we consider the relatively poor soils and harsh climate
involved for much of German agriculture, compared to northern France and England.
b) The initial phase of productivity advances: the cultivation of leguminous crops:
i) Leguminous or nitrogen fixing crops:
(1) were planted as fodder crops, in form of multiple course crop rotations,

#          to permit sharp reductions in the amount of fallow,
#          or to eliminate the need for fallow lands.
(2) Recall from previous lectures:
#          that the root systems of such crops attracted parasitic insects and other organisms that absorbed
           nitrogen from the atmosphere
#          and thus created nitrogen based compounds that they deposited in the soil by their death and decay
           (symbiotic fixation: nitrification).10
(3) Nitrogen-fixation was also produced:
#           from the decay and deposits of the root systems themselves, and plant nodules, and stubble
           remaining after harvest,
#          and then ploughed into the soil, as ‘green manuring’.
(4) Note again that nitrogen (N) is the single most important fertilizing chemical, followed by potassium (K).
ii) clover, alfalfa (lucerne), and sainfoin (plant of pea family) were the most important in nitrogen
fixing-properties: and far more powerful than the traditional legumes (or pulses: chiefly beans, peas, vetches,
           Nitrogen Fixation from Legume Residues: kilograms per hectare (= 2.47 acres)

 Legume                      Macro-organic          Unmeasured          Total Nitrogen        Ratio to Pulses

 Pulses (peas,                          30.00                                     30.00                  1.000
 beans, vetches)
 Clover                                 75.00               25.00                100.00                  3.330

 Sainfoin                              112.50               57.50                170.00                  5.667

 Alfalfa (Lucerne)                     150.00               75.00                225.00                  7.500

Source: See Patrick Chorley, ‘The Agricultural Revolution in Northern Europe, 1750 - 1880’, Economic
History Review, 2nd ser. 34 (Feb. 1981), 75-77.

iii) they were doubly fertilizing:
(1) From Nitrogen fixation in the soil: from the decay of parasitic bacteria, as just explained, who fed on the

            From ‘Nitrification: To oxidize (an ammonia compound) into nitric acid, nitrous
acid, or any nitrate or nitrite, especially by the action of nitrobacteria; to treat or combine with nitrogen or
compounds containing nitrogen.’ From the Medical Dictionary: ‘The oxidation of an ammonia compound
into nitric acid, nitrous acid, or any nitrate or nitrite, especially by the action of bacteria; the treatment or
combination of a substance with nitrogen or compounds containing nitrogen.’

root systems of these legumes
(2) From feeding these leguminous crops to livestock: who then produced manure, to be dug into the soils.
iv) I must also stress that, for increasing soil fertility, the crops themselves were more important: 60%
from nitrogen vs. 40% from the manure.
v) The maximum impact was reached (according to Chorley) about 1880,
(1) when cultivation of leguminous crops was permitting grain yields of about 12 to 15 quintals per hectare
(1 quintal = 100 kg; 1 hectare = 2.47 acres)
(2) thereafter chemical fertilizers became more important (though not that much more important).
b) Second phase: cultivation of root crops in multiple rotations: especially sugar beets and potatoes (across
northern Europe) from 1840s.
i) Very dramatic increase in their cultivation from 1870s to 1914: (See table on screen).
                                 German Agriculture
             Annual Output of Certain Crops, 1871 - 1913, in Thousands of Metric Tons

 Decade         Sugar           Potatoes        Wheat          Rye             Barley         Oats

 1875-84                5,810         24,840           2,552          6,673           2,632          4,823

 1885-94                9,510         30,460           3,045          7,237           2,666          5,587

 1895-04              13,380          39,100           3,491          8,831           2,959          6,979

 1905-14              16,090          45,790           3,956         10,665           3,244          8,382

Source:              Alan Milward and S.B. Saul, Development of the Economies of Continental Europe,
                     1850 - 1914 (London, 1977, p. 54: Table 5.

(1) sugar beets: from 5.810 million tons to 16.090 million tons (+176%).
(2) potatoes: from 24.84 million tons to 45.79 million tons (+84.4%).
ii) cultivation of these crops, while not in themselves nitrogen-fixing, did improve productivity and

grain outputs in several ways:
(1) they rested the soil by taking out far fewer nutrients.
(2) they required far more intensive soil cultivation (hoeing and aeration) thus improving soil for the grain
crops that followed.
(3) they promoted the use of chemical fertilizers.
iii) they also provided an important source of fodder for livestock: potatoes or beet tops fed directly to
livestock; and the waste products from both after being processed as industrial products.
iv) industrial impact of these root crops:
(1) sugar-refining industries: beet-sugar displaced much cane sugar.
#     The Kingdom of Saxony was the major centre, producing about 30% of Germany's sugar-beets;
#     and Germany itself became a major producer of beet-sugar, accounting for 30% of world production.
#     By 1900, Germany had over 400 factories processing 2 million metric tons of sugar a year.
(2) distilling industries from potatoes: to produce vodka, schnapps.
(3) Potato cultivation: serviced over 5,000 distilleries in 1900.
c) Third phase: Chemical fertilizers
i) Of all countries, Germany made the greatest progress in applying chemistry to scientific agriculture,
beginning with Justus von Liebig’s seminal book on Chemistry and Its Application to Agriculture, published
in 1840. [Discussed earlier in the topic on British agriculture]
ii) German leadership in chemical agriculture was based upon a combination of:
(1) decisive superiority in scientific educational facilities, especially in having a university system in which
science played the dominant role.
(2) world leadership in a new coal-based chemicals industry from 1870s.
(3) large supply of chemical raw materials:
#      in form of coal (for nitrogen compounds) and potash (K2O), supplying potassium.
#      one important chemical fertilizer, superphosphate, was a byproduct of the German steel industry.
iii) See table on the screen for rapid growth in applying chemical fertilizers in the later 19th and 20th
                                            German Agriculture:

                         Average Annual Application of Chemical Fertilizers
                    Kilograms per Hectare of Agricultural Land, 1878/80 - 1913/14

 Period                               Nitrogen                Superphosphate                         Potash
                                                                         (N)                     (P2O)(K2O)

 Period                                Nitrogen             Superphosphate                         Potash
                                                                       (N)                     (P2O)(K2O)
 1878-80                                       0.7                         1.6                           0.8

 1898-00                                       2.2                        10.3                           3.1

 1913-14                                       6.4                        18.9                          16.7

1 hectare = 2.47 acres

Source:                        J.A. Perkins, ‘The Agricultural Revolution in Germany, 1850 - 1914’, Journal
                               of European Economic History, 10 (Spring 1981), p. 85.

Note that German farmers on average used three times as much chemical fertilizers as did French farmers.
d) Fourth and final phase: mechanization of German agriculture: especially from the 1880s
i) mechanization with steam powered machinery:
(1) with steam-powered ploughs, threshers, reapers, etc.,
(2) on large central and East German estates
ii) relationship between mechanization and application of chemical fertilizers:
(1) To the extent that steam powered machinery displaced draught (draft) animals – horses, oxen, mule, etc.
– that would have led to a relative reduction in the production of fodder crops
(2) To the extent that:
#    fodder crops had been leguminous (nitrogen fixing)
#    and that livestock fed f rom such crops had supplied manure for arable lands
#    there would have been a dual reduction in these fertilizing agents
(3) Therefore the deficiencies in fertilizing agents provided by the combination of fodder crops and livestock
manure had to be remedied: and chiefly by increased applications of chemical fertilizers
(4) Refer to the discussion of this inter-related problem – of mechanization and chemical fertilizers – in our
previous discussion of change in 19th-century British agriculture (lecture no. 15).
e) Consequences for Agricultural Productivity: As a result of all these advances in crop rotations and
fertilizers, in the mechanization of agriculture itself:

i) the amount of land lying fallow in Germany fell by over 50% from 1870s to 1900; and almost no land
was left fallow in areas devoted to root crops with chemical fertilizers.
ii) The statistical table below shows the very rapid increases in agricultural output and productivity
after 1870s:
                   Output of Principal Grain Crops of Selected European countries,
                   in millions of quintals, in decennial averages, 1871-90 to 1905-14

 Decade                   Great Britain        France              Germany           Russia

 1781-90                               35.0                 85.3

 1791 - 1800                           43.0                 94.5                              268.6

 1815-24                               49.5               104.0                                n.a.

 1825-34                                n.a.              116.3                                n.a.

 1835-44                                n.a.              131.4                               310.1

 1845-54                               64.0               146.6              122.6            363.3

 1855-64                               68.0               158.5              153.7            381.2

 1865-74                               70.0               160.1              204.8            410.1

 1875-84                                n.a.              161.8              248.4            451.0

 1885-94                               56.9               160.1              304.6            515.4

 Decade                     Great Britain      France               Germany            Russia

 1895-1904                             52.5                172.1               391.0               479.3

 1905-14                               51.7                171.9               457.9               543.1

1 quintal = 100 kilograms = 0.10 metric ton = 220.46 lb.

Source: Carlo Cipolla, ed., Fontana Economic History of Europe, Vol. IV:2, pp. 752-53.

(1) in grain production: despite the expansion in other agricultural sectors, and thus a proportional
contraction in land area devoted to grains, these crops (rye, wheat, barley) still remained the largest single
component of German agriculture.
(2) As the table shows, German grain output achieved a very dramatic increase from 1850s to 1914:
#                a 3.7 fold increase (270%)
#               compared to a mere 17% increase for French grain output during the same period.
(3) Note that Germany's aggregate grain production was well behind the French in the 1840s, but it
#                ended up being 2.67 times greater, in 1914
#               and almost 9 times greater than the British grain output
#               but of course Britain had deliberately contracted its grain-growing sector
(4) Up to the 1870s, most of this dramatic increase in grain output came from expansion of the arable and
reduction of the fallow.
(5) In Prussia alone, the arable expanded 25% between 1815 and 1870: from 5.2 million to 6.5 million acres,
or 2.65 million hectares.
iii) Productivity Grains: From the 1870s to 1910, the expansion came essentially from rising soil
productivity with nitrogen-fixing crops and chemical fertilizers.
(1) Estimated that in this period German grain yields almost doubled: from 18.7 quintals to 32.9 quintals per
hectare [quintal = 100 kg.]
(2) Comparative grain yields are shown on tables on the screen; and again you should note how much higher
they are than the French yields (though one table necessarily combines the yields and outputs for Germany,
Belgium, and France combined, c. 1880).
                Crop Yields in France, Britain, and Germany, 1906-10

                Kilograms of Output per Hectare of Land: Five-Year Means

                                  (1 hectare = 10,000 m 2 = 2.47 acres)

 Crop                       France                      Britain                   Germany

 Wheat                                           135                       221                        201

 Rye                                             106                       182                        170

 Barley                                          130                       196                        196

 Oats                                            126                       189                        197

 Potatoes                                         86                       138                        136

Source: J.A. Perkins, ‘The Agricultural Revolution in Germany, 1850-1914’, Journal of European Economic
History, 10 (Spring 1981), p. 115.

(3) Admittedly, the British grain yields are higher: but remember that British grain production and arable
farming had shrunk, in face of cheap foreign imports under free trade, to a very small sector that had to be
productive to survive, on the very best and most fertile grain lands.
(4) In Germany, however, as in France, high protective tariffs from 1879 kept much more grain land in
production, sheltered from cheap overseas grains.
(5) Remember also that German soils and climate were much less favourable than those in Britain and
northern France.
iv) Also, note from the statistics on food production: the very dramatic increases in sugar beet and potato
cultivation from the 1870s to 1914.
v) Finally, from the table previously shown for French agriculture, calculating agricultural productivity
in terms of millions of calories produced per year by a male farm worker, you will see (from Paul Bairoch's
estimates) that overall German productivity in agriculture by 1910 was higher than that for any European

country, and was exceeded only by the US.
                   Indices of European and American Agricultural Productivity
                                            from 1810 to 1910
                         Annual net output per agricultural worker (male)
                                     measured in million of calories

 COUNTRY                  1810           1840         1860         1880       1900              1910

 Britain                     14.0            17.5           20.0       23.5      22.5             23.5

 France                        7.0           11.5           14.5       14.0      15.5             17.0

 Germany                                      7.5           10.5       14.5      22.0             25.0

 Russia                                       7.0            7.5        7.0        9.0            11.0

 USA                                         21.5           22.5       29.0      31.0             42.0

Source: Paul Bairoch, ‘Niveaux de développement économique de 1810 à 1910’, Annales: Économies,
sociétés, civilisations, 20 (1965), 1096, Table 1.

6. Contributions of German Agriculture to German Industrialization

a) Population and the Food Supply:

i) as can be seen in next table on screen, concerning population in major 19th century countries:

                     The Populations of Selected European Countries

                            in millions, in decennial intervals, 1800-1910

 Year                  Great Britain            Belgium            France      Germany            Russia

 1800                            10.7                3.1               27.3              n.a.          35.5

 1810                            12.0                n.a.              n.a.              n.a.          n.a.

    Year                  Great Britain           Belgium             France          Germany        Russia

    1820                            14.1               n.a.              30.5               25.0        48.6

    1830                            16.3                4.1              32.6               28.2        56.1

    1840                            18.5                4.1              34.2               31.4        62.4

    1850                            20.8                4.3              35.8               34.0        68.5

    1860                            23.2                4.5              37.4               36.2        74.1

    1870                            26.0                4.8             36.1a              40.8b        84.5

    1880                            29.7                5.3              37.7               45.2        97.7

    1890                            33.0                6.1              38.3               49.4      117.8

    1900                            37.0                6.6              39.0               56.4      132.9

    1910                            40.9                7.4              39.6               64.9      160.7

    Excluding Alsace-Lorraine.
     Including Alsace-Lorraine.

Sources:                B.R. Mitchell and P. Deane, Abstract of British Historical Statistics (Cambridge,
                        1962), pp. 8-10; Carlo Cipolla, ed., Fontana Economic History of Europe, Vol. IV:2,
                        pp. 747-48.

(1) Germany's population grew very rapidly in the course of the 19th century, by 160%, i.e., a 2.6 fold
(2) and thus Germany grew three times faster than did France, whose population increased only by 50%.
ii) Obviously that greatly expanded agricultural output, especially of grains, at least facilitated that rapid
population growth;
iii) indeed for most of the 19th century, German grain production did rise faster than the domestic
iv) Certainly one may also argue that this increased agricultural production, with a wide variety of
crops, also improved nutrition and living standards Germany.
b) The Provision of an Industrial Labour Force:
i) as in Britain, the combination of agrarian and demographic changes were very important in
supplying a large and elastic industrial labour force for Germany industry:
(1) labour drawn from both a dispossessed, landless peasantry and a growing population, a population
increasingly freed from or separated from the land.

(2) Nevertheless, as in Britain, those agrarian and labour force changes
#       did not occur immediately and directly,
#       because much of the dispossessed peasantry initially served as an agricultural labour force (ie. as an
        agrarian proletariat) on large estates,
#       possibly involving a considerable disguised unemployment.
ii) Labour Displacement: From the 1870s, however, with much more extensive mechanization, and
productivity increases from chemical agriculture, much of that excess labour was dislodged and was forced
to leave the land.
iii) Migration to Industrial Areas: By 1910, over two million peasants had migrated from agrarian areas
of East Prussia to settle in chiefly industrial areas: around Berlin, Saxony, and the Ruhr valley in particular.
iv) Results in Agriculture: From 1860 to 1910, the percentage of the total population engaged in German
agriculture fell from about 60% (21.7 million) to just 32.0% (20.8 million), which meant a sharp relative fall
and a slight absolute reduction in numbers as well.
v) Urbanization: Finally, note that the percentage of the population living in industrial cities rose
(1) from just 20% in 1800 to 40% by 1880 and
(2) then rose to over 60% by 1910, when Germany had clearly become an industrialized state.
Table 1.               Composition of the Capitalized Market Value
            of the Stavenow Manorial Estates in Brandenburg (East Germany)
                                         in 1601

                     ASSETS                     Value in     Percent    Value in     Percent
                                                 Gulden     Subtotal     Gulden      of Total

   Manor: House and Demesne Farm                                           5,813      8.66%
   Manorial Forest: Income from                                           15,552     23.16%

   Demesne Production

   Grain Sales: income from                       12,104     45.44%
   Livestock Production: income from sales        10,917     40.99%
   Fisheries and Gardens: income from              3,615     13.57%

   Sub-total of Demesne incomes                   26,636    100.00%       26,636     39.66%

   Manorial Jurisdictions and Properties

   Manorial Courts and Jurisdictional Fees         4,400     72.74%
   Manorial Mills: rental incomes                  1,649     27.26%

   Sub-total of Manorial Jurisdictions             6,049    100.00%        6,049      9.01%

   Peasant Rents: Servile Tenancies

   Labour Services                                 8,454     79.06%
   Rents in kind: in grain                         1,375     12.86%
   Rents in cash: money payments                     864      8.08%

   Sub-total of Peasant Rents                     10,693    100.00%       10,693     15.92%

   Foreign Peasants': Short Term Rents

   Labour Services                                 1,609     66.68%
   Rents in kind: in grain                           804     33.32%

   Sub-total of 'Foreign Peasants' Rents           2,413    100.00%        2,413      3.59%

   TOTAL VALUES                                                           67,156    100.00%

Source: William Hagen, ‘How Mighty the Junkers? Peasant Rents and Seigneurial Profits in
Sixteenth-Century Brandenburg’, Past & Present, no. 108 (August 1985), p. 100.
Table 2.            The Populations of Europe, by Regions, 1500 - 1800
                                        in millions

 Region          1500        1550        1600        1650        1700        1750       1800

 North             7.6         9.5        11.0       14.3        15.1        17.4        25.3

 NW            12.5%       13.6%       14.1%       19.2%       18.1%       17.9%       20.7%
 % of

 Central          29.0        33.8        36.9       33.5        38.2        43.8        53.5

 Cent          47.6%       48.3%       47.4%       45.0%       45.7%       45.1%       43.8%
 % of

 Mediter          18.3        20.0        22.3       19.6        22.8        26.5        31.2

 Med           30.0%       28.6%       28.6%       26.3%       27.3%       27.3%       25.5%
 % of

 Eastern           6.0         6.6         7.7         7.1        7.4         9.4        12.2

 Eastern         9.9%       9.5%        9.9%        9.5%        8.9%        9.7%       10.0%
 % of

 TOTAL            60.9        69.9        77.9       74.5        83.5        97.1       122.2

Source: Jan De Vries, ‘Population’, in T.A. Brady, H.A. Oberman, and J.D. Tracy, eds., Handbook
of European History, 1400-1600, Vol. I: Structures and Assertions (Leiden, 1994), p. 13
Table 3.       French and German Agriculture in the 19th century
                              Distribution of Farm Lands

Table 3a.         French Agriculture in the 19th century
                  Distribution of Farm Lands by the 1881 Survey

 Category           Number            Percentage          Area in           Per Cent
                    of Farms          of Total            Hectares          of Total
                    by Area           Farms               (2.47 acres)      Area

 Under 5
 hectares                1,866,000               53.3%          5,600,000               11.5%

 5 - 20
 hectares                1,200,000                34.2%        12,300,000               25.3%

 20 - 40
 hectares                 296,000                 8.5%          8,400,000               17.3%

 Over 40
 (100 acres)              142,000                  4.1%        22,300,000               45.9%

 TOTAL                    3,504,000              100.0%        48,600,000              100.0%

 Over 20
 hectares                  438,000                12.5%        30,700,000               63.2%
Table 3b.            German Agriculture in the early 20th century:

                    1907 (But in terms of post 1919-frontiers)

 Category              Percentages of the
                       Total Arable Area
                       per Category
 in hectares
                       East                   Rest of                All
                       Elbia*                 Germany                Germany

 Under 5 ha.                           8.7%                  21.0%                 16.2%
 5 - 20 ha.                           21.3%                  41.0%                 33.4%
 20 - 100 ha.                         29.5%                  29.9%                 29.8%
 Over 100 ha.                        40.5%                    8.1%                 20.6%
 (250 acres)
 Over 20 ha.                         70.0%                  38.0%                  50.4%

* East Elbia: Posen and West Prussia, East Prussia, Pomerania, Brandenburg-Berlin, Silesia,
Table 4.     Output of Principal Grain Crops of Selected European countries,

              in millions of quintals, in decennial averages, 1871-90 to 1905-14

 Decade                Great Britain      France           Germany         Russia

 1781-90                          35.0              85.3

 39089                            43.0              94.5                                 268.6
 1815-24                          49.5             104.0                                  n.a.

 1825-34                           n.a.            116.3                                  n.a.

 1835-44                           n.a.            131.4                                 310.1

 1845-54                          64.0             146.6           122.6                 363.3

 1855-64                          68.0             158.5           153.7                 381.2

 1865-74                          70.0             160.1           204.8                 410.1

 1875-84                           n.a.            161.8           248.4                 451.0

 1885-94                          56.9             160.1           304.6                 515.4

 1895-1904                        52.5             172.1           391.0                 479.3

 1905-14                          51.7             171.9           457.9                 543.1

1 quintal = 100 kilograms = 0.10 metric ton = 220.46 lb.

Source: Carlo Cipolla, ed., Fontana Economic History of Europe, Vol. IV:2, pp. 752-53.
Table 5:               Nitrogen Fixation from Legume Residues:
                          kilograms per hectare (= 2.47 acres)

 Legume            Macro-organic       Unmeasured      Total Nitrogen    Ratio to Pulses

 Pulses (peas,               30.00                               30.00            1.000
 beans, vetches)

 Clover                      75.00             25.00           100.00             3.330

 Sainfoin                   112.50             57.50           170.00             5.667

 Alfalfa                    150.00             75.00           225.00             7.500

Source:   Patrick Chorley, ‘The Agricultural Revolution in Northern Europe, 1750 - 1880’,
Economic History Review, 2nd ser. 34 (Feb. 1981), 75-77.
Table 6.                         Crop Yields in France, Britain, and Germany, 1906-10

                                 Kilograms of Output per Hectare of Land: Five-Year Means

                                  (1 hectare = 2.47 acres)

 Crop                   France                  Britain                Germany

 Wheat                                    135                    221                    201
 Rye                                      106                    182                    170
 Barley                                   130                    196                    196
 Oats                                     126                    189                    197
 Potatoes                                  86                    138                    136

Source: J.A. Perkins, ‘The Agricultural Revolution in Germany,1850-1914’, Journal of European
Economic History, 10 (Spring 1981), p. 115.


Table 7.                         Wheat-tons per Labour-unit in Agriculture in Selected
                                 Countries: France, Britain, Germany, and the U. S.
                                     in 1880 and 1930

Country                            1880                   1930

France                              7.4                   13.2

Great Britain                      16.2                   20.1

Germany                             7.9                   16.0

United States                      13.0                   22.5
Table 8.     Indices of European and American Agricultural Productivity
                                  from 1810 to 1910

                   Annual net output per agricultural worker (male)
                           measured in million of calories

 COUNTRY             1810        1840       1860       1880       1900     1910

 Britain              14         17.5        20        23.5       22.5     23.5

 France                7         11.5       14.5        14        15.5      17

 Germany                         7.5        10.5       14.5           22    25

 Russia                           7          7.5         7            9     11

 USA                             21.5       22.5        29            31    42

Source: Paul Bairoch, ‘Niveaux de développement économique de 1810 à 1910’, Annales:
Économies, sociétés, civilisations, 20 (1965), 1096, Table 1.
Table 9.                             German Agriculture: Output Statistics

          Annual Output of Certain Crops, 1871 - 1913, in Thousands of Metric Tons

 Decade        Sugar          Potatoes     Wheat       Rye            Barley      Oats

 1875-84               5810       24,840       2,552          6,673       2,632          4,823

 1885-94             9,510        30,460       3,045          7,237       2,666          5,587

 1895-04            13,380        39,100       3,491          8,831       2,959          6,979

 1905-14            16,090        45,790       3,956         10,665       3,244          8,382

Source:            Alan Milward and S.B. Saul, Development of the Economies of Continental
                   Europe, 1850 - 1914 (London, 1977, p. 54: Table 5.
Table 10.                           German Agriculture:

                    Average Annual Application of Chemical Fertilizers

               Kilograms per Hectare of Agricultural Land, 1878/80 - 1913/14

Period                   Nitrogen             Superphosphate        Potash
                         (N)                  (P2O)                 (K2O)

1878-80                  0.7                   1.6                  0.8

1898-00                  2.2                  10.3                  3.1

1913-14                  6.4                  18.9                  16.7

1 hectare = 2.47 acres

Source:                  J.A. Perkins, ‘The Agricultural Revolution in Germany, 1850 - 1914’,
                         Journal of European Economic History, 10 (Spring 1981), p. 85.
Table 11.                 Comparative Crops Yields in Northern Europe, 1790 - 1880

 Crop               France 1781-90     Germany            Germany,           Germany,
                                       c.1800             France,            France,
                                                          Belgium, c.1880    Belgium, c.1880

                    quintals/hectare   quintals/hectare   quintals/hectare   metric tonnes:

 Wheat                         11.50              10.30              13.95              9.950

 Rye                            8.00               9.00              12.35              8.864

 Barley                        11.00               8.10              14.52              3.646

 Oats                           5.00               8.50              13.50              9.589

* 1 quintal = 100 kg.

 1 hectare = 10,000 square metres = 2.471 acres

Source:   Patrick Chorley, ‘The Agricultural Revolution in Northern Europe, 1750 - 1880’,
Economic History Review, 2nd ser. 34 (Feb. 1981), 83.
Table 12.             The Populations of Selected European Countries
                         in millions, in decennial intervals, 1800-1910

    Year               Great          Belgium         France          Germany         Russia

    1800               10.7           3.1             27.3            n.a.            35.5
    1810               12             n.a.            n.a.            n.a.            n.a.
    1820               14.1           n.a.            30.5            25.0            48.6
    1830               16.3           4.1             32.6            28.2            56.1
    1840               18.5           4.1             34.2            31.4            62.4
    1850               20.8           4.3             35.8            34.0            68.5
    1860               23.2           4.5             37.4            36.2            74.1
    1870               26.0           4.8             36.1a           40.8b           84.5
    1880               29.7           5.3             37.7            45.2            97.7
    1890               33.0           6.1             38.3            49.4            117.8
    1900               37.0           6.6             39.0            56.4            132.9
    1910               40.9           7.4             39.6            64.9            160.7

     Excluding Alsace-Lorraine.
     Including Alsace-Lorraine.

Sources:              B.R. Mitchell and P. Deane, Abstract of British Historical Statistics
                      (Cambridge, 1962), pp. 8-10; Carlo Cipolla, ed., Fontana Economic History
                      of Europe, Vol. IV:2, pp. 747-48.

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  • 1. Prof. John H. Munro Department of Economics University of Toronto 11 February 2009 ECONOMICS 303Y1 The Economic History of Modern Europe to1914 Prof. John Munro Lecture Topic No. 22: V. THE RAPID INDUSTRIALIZATION OF GERMANY, 1815 - 1914 D. Germany: Peasant Emancipation and Agricultural Modernization to 1914
  • 2. D. GERMANY: PEASANT EMANCIPATION AND AGRICULTURAL MODERNIZATION TO 1914 1. Introduction: Our Historical Objectives a) to examine to what extent agrarian changes in Germany (or what became Germany) during the 19th century both resembled and differed from the French model: # i.e., the model established by the French Revolutionary Land Reforms, 1790 - 1795 # and spread across the Rhine into Germany by the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic invasions, from 1792 to 1815. # In essence, the German model of agrarian reform was to impose peasant emancipation from above in order to avoid peasant revolution from below. b) to ascertain to what extent these agrarian changes promoted German economic development: both in terms of demographic growth and industrial growth – especially urban industrialization. c) and thus again to compare the similarities and differences in 19th century economic development: to be found among the three countries so far examined: Great Britain, France, and Germany (with Russia yet to come). 2. A Preview: German Agriculture and Serfdom on the Eve of the French Revolution. a) German agriculture was (and subsequently remained) sharply divided in characteristics between eastern and western zones: with the Elbe river [see map] marking the approximate boundary between the two zones. b) German agriculture west of the Elbe River: here the agrarian structure was very similar to that of northern France, already analysed: i) manorialism and serfdom had long ago decayed in the West, as in France: with only a very few scattered, non-commercialized areas still having any servile peasantry. ii) This region was largely one of very small peasant tenancies: (1) i.e., with peasants operating under traditional communal open-field systems, with small unconsolidated holdings, i.e., tenancies in the form of scattered plough strips in the open fields. (2) In the West there were relatively few large landlord estates: # the majority of landlords had leased out most of the demesne, or even the entire demesne (domain), to peasant tenants, # much in the same way already seen in France. c) German agriculture east of the Elbe River: large-estate agriculture, predominantly, though with many medium and small size farming units (as map on the screen will show).
  • 3. 2 i) The Elbe river had long served as a boundary line: (1) marking the point of departure for the medieval Germanic conquests and settlements of the Slavic lands to the east: (2) what the Germans called Drang Nach Osten (‘Drive to the East’) – with more ominous overtones in the 20th century, especially or course during World War II. ii) The term ‘second serfdom’ refers to the fact much earlier, during the High Middle Ages, (1) much of the peasantry in eastern Europe had remained free, until about the 14th century # especially on the colonized lands that Germanic peoples had colonized from the late 12th century, at the invitation of Slavic landlords and the Church, # while much of the peasantry in western Europe suffered the burdens of serfdom during the later medieval era, i.e., up to the 14th century; (2) That relative freedom in the East had been a major force in attracting western colonists. iii) But then, while serfdom was slowly disappearing or eroding in later-medieval western Europe, during the later 14th, 15th, and early 16th centuries -- virtually gone by early-modern times, (1) the opposite was happening in Europe east of the Elbe: from the later 15th and especially the 16th and 17th centuries, most of these free peasant had been absorbed by large landlord estates, (2) especially into and by the large estates of Prussian (East German) aristocratic landlords called Junkers.1 (3) those peasants who worked these estates were subjected to a harsh serfdom, binding the peasants to their 1 From and Wikipedia: ‘Junkers (English pronunciation: [0jõk c]; German pronunciation: [0jõ kX]) were the landed nobility of Prussia and Eastern Germany - lands which are often also called "Eastelbia" (Ostelbien in German - the land east of river Elbe). These families were mostly part of the German Uradel (very old feudal nobility) and carried on the colonization and Christianization of the northeastern European territories in the 11th, 12th and 13th century. "Junker" in German means "young lord", and is understood as country squire. It is probably derived from the German words Junger Herr, or Young Lord. As part of the nobility, many Junker families have particles such as "von" or "zu" before their family names. In the Middle Ages, a Junker was simply a lesser noble, often poor and politically insignificant. A good number of poor Junkers took up careers as soldiers and mercenaries. Over the centuries, they rose from disreputable captains of mercenary cutthroats to influential commanders and landowners in the 19th century. Being the bulwark of the Hohenzollern Empire, the Junkers controlled the military, leading in political influence and social status, and owning immense estates, especially in the north-eastern half of Germany (Brandenburg, Mecklenburg, Pommerania, East Prussia, Saxony, Silesia). Their political influence extended from the German Empire of 1871 to 1918 through the Weimar Republic of 1919–1933. It was said that Prussia ruled Germany, the Junkers ruled Prussia, and through it the Empire itself. They dominated all the higher civil offices and officer corps of the army and navy. Supporting monarchism and military traditions, they were often reactionary and protectionist; they were often anti-liberal, siding with the conservative monarchist forces during the Revolution of 1848. Their political interests were served by the German Conservative Party in the Reichstag and the extraparliamentary Agrarian League. This political class held tremendous power over the industrial classes and the government. When Chancellor Caprivi reduced the protective duties on imports of grain, these landed magnates demanded and obtained his dismissal; and in 1902, they brought about a restoration of such duties on foodstuffs as would keep the prices of their own products at a high level. The German statesman Otto von Bismarck was a noted Junker.’
  • 4. 3 holdings and to the landlord, as chattels. (4) This serfdom meant # compulsory and arbitrary labour duties on the domain (demesne) lands of their landlords, # thus leaving them less time to work their own holdings. iv) The further east one travelled, the worse became the serfdom. v) The historical significance of the Second Serfdom should be obvious: (1) the fact that eastern Europe was subjected to a growing spreading serfdom at the very time when the peasantry of western Europe was becoming freer and freer. (2) that difference was an important factor in widening the economic gulf between east and west, especially in terms of agricultural productivity. d) The causes of this serfdom are enormously complex, varying by region and time: not all of eastern Europe became engulfed in serfdom at the same time, and the process spread slowly and unevenly from the 15th to 17th centuries i) demographic model: For other parts of eastern Europe: the Evsey Domar model 2 (1) According to this model, the next major period of the ‘second serfdom’, in other parts of eastern Europe, was during the demographic crises or stagnation of the 17th century, # especially with the Thirty-Years War (1618-1648) and its aftermath, # producing a scarcity of both labour and rent-paying tenants. (2) Table 2 in the Appendix does indicate that eastern Europe’s population # fell from about 7.70 million in 1600 to 7.10 million in 1650, # and had recovered to only 7.40 million by 1700 # over this period, this region’s share of Europe’s total population fell from 9.9% to 8.9% of the total (2) Thus, with labour scarcity, an altered land:labour ratio, landlords sought to impose serfdom on their formerly free peasant tenants in order to prevent tenants from bidding down rents and also to prevent them, as agricultural workers, from bidding up wages. (3) Thus peasants were subjected to arbitrary labour obligations, the corvée labour explained above, in the previous commercial model, i.e., when it was really involuntary. (4) The second serfdom is thus seen as a manifestation of the so-called ‘General Crisis of the 17th Century’ (referred to in the first term): 2 Evsey D. Domar, ‘The Causes of Slavery or Serfdom: A Hypothesis’, Journal of Economic History, 30 (Mar. 1970), 18-32; Evsey Domar and Mark Machina, ‘On the Profitability of Russian Serfdom’, Journal of Economic History, 44 (December 1984), 919-55; Evsey D. Domar, Capitalism, Socialism, and Serfdom (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989). Collected essays. His model is similar to the one that the French economic historian, Marc Bloch, proposed to explain the original rise of serfdom in the late-Roman Empire: elevating the status of slaves and depressing the status of free peasants.
  • 5. 4 # but this model has also only a limited applicability, # because it cannot apply to regions where serfdom spread during population growth, and into regions with excess labour. # indeed, the major spread of serfdom into eastern Germany and Poland accompanied a period of population growth – and one of inflation # so let us consider an alternative model ii) The Commercial Model for Prussia and Poland: in Germany east of the Elbe, especially those lands bordering on the Vistula river in Prussia and Poland, the favourite explanation is instead a commercial model:3 (1) The impact of European population growth and urbanization in the 16th and early 17th centuries: # From 1600 to 1700, Europe’s total population grew from 60.9 million to 77.9 million4 : an increase o 30.5% # at the same time urbanization expanded much more rapidly, as indicated by the following table, showing a very large increase in the number of large towns in Europe Number of Cities in the Indicated Population Range Year 50,000- 100,000 Over 400,000 100,000 400,000 .............................................................. 1300 4 3 (or 4?) 0 1500 5 5 0 1650 14 12 3 1750 512 43 4 # most of the towns in western Europe could not be adequately fed from regional grain growing farm lands # thus, there was a very considerable expansion in imports of relatively cheap grain from the Baltic lands, especially eastern Germany and Poland 3 Best expressed in: Eric Hobsbawm, ‘The Crisis of the Seventeenth Century’, Past & Present, nos. 5-6 (1954), reprinted in Trevor Aston, ed., Crisis in Europe, 1550 - 1660 (London, 1965), especially pp. 20-21, 33-37. 4 See table 2 below (based on Jan de Vries)
  • 6. 5 # a demand to which the German Hanse and the Dutch seaborne merchants quickly responded. # indeed, the Baltic grain trade became the mainstay of Dutch overseas commerce until the mid 17th century (2) That rapidly growing grain trade promoted, according to this model, the creation of vast grain estates using gangs of servile labour to produce grains – rye and barley: hence the subjection of formerly free peasant villages to gain both their lands and cheap labour. (3) Servile labour is known as corvée labour: # and can be seen as a form of rental payments, so that servile peasants, as a condition of their tenancies, are required to work on the lord’s estate for one or more day’s a week without wages, up to three days per week. # in some eastern European villages, peasants voluntarily subjected themselves to this form of rental payments rather than paying fixed shares of their harvest, when agricultural prices were rising. # so not all serfdom was necessarily involuntary; # and not all forms of serfdom are the same; # but as a rule of thumb genuine serfdom was involuntary and arbitrary in the nature of the exactions. (4) The shift from Grundherrschaft to Gutsherrschaft: are the terms given to this transition in the organization of feudal estates: a topic previously introduced in our history of French agriculture # from Grundherrschaft: a system based on peasant land rents: i.e., in which peasant rentals provided the bulk of manorial incomes # to Gutsherrschaft: a manorial system from which the bulk of the manorial incomes were derived from the exploitation of the feudal demesne (domain) for commercial profit, using servile labour to work the demesne lands. (5) Fundamental question: what explains the feudal landlord mentality to make this transition, when population was growing, so that a change in the land:labour ratio should have made wage-labour relatively cheaper: thus why use servile labour? (6) Especially, if one assumes that free wage-labour would be more productive than servile labour. (7) Inflation provides the answer:5 as we noted previously, in discussing French agriculture 5 This part of the model will not be found in Hobsbawm, Brenner (see n. 5) or any other similar studies; it is my interpretation of the economics of such estates, based on my knowledge of East European demographic and monetary history. This model may be compared to the responses of many English manorial lords (or other landlords) during the 16th century Price Revolution (c.1520-1640) and again in the 18th century, in order to capture the rising economic rent on land (i.e., take it away from the customary peasant tenants): namely, Enclosures, by which these landlords evicted their customary peasant tenants, destroyed the communal Open Field system, amalgamated their tenancy strips into compact unified farms, which they then leased out to capitalist farmers, with leases short enough to allow landlords to recapture economic rents periodically, i.e., after the expiration of the leases. See ECO 301Y, lecture no. 17; and ECO 303Y, lecture
  • 7. # This transition occurred during the inflationary Price Revolution era (ca. 1520 - c. 1650), exacerbated by regional coinage debasements (East Prussia, Poland, etc). # but most feudal rents, for peasant tenancies, were fixed in money-of-account terms, and thus were not adjusted for inflation, so that they declined in real terms. # consequently, under these circumstances, the peasant tenant and not the landlord would reap most of the rising economic on rent # thus the shift from Grundherrschaft to Gutsherrschaft represents the landlord’s motivation to recapture that economic rent, by exploiting his domain lands for commercial profit # the landlord also gained by taking his peasant-tenancy rents in labour services, rather than in money rents (given that such rents are diminishing in real terms with inflation). (8) A statistical illustration of the nature and importance of this East-Prussian and Polish Grundherrschaft model can be see in the following table for Brandenburg in 1601: Composition of the Capitalized Market Value of the Stavenow Manorial Estates in Brandenburg (East Germany) in 1601 ASSETS Value in Percent Value in Percent Gulden Subtotal Gulden of Total Manor: House and Demesne Farm Buildings 5,813 8.66% Manorial Forest: Income from 15,552 23.16% Demesne Production Grain Sales: income from 12,104 45.44% Livestock Production: income from sales 10,917 40.99% Fisheries and Gardens: income from 3,615 13.57% Sub-total of Demesne incomes 26,636 100.00% 26,636 39.66% Manorial Jurisdictions and Properties Manorial Courts and Jurisdictional Fees 4,400 72.74% Manorial Mills: rental incomes 1,649 27.26% Sub-total of Manorial Jurisdictions 6,049 100.00% 6,049 9.01% Peasant Rents: Servile Tenancies Labour Services 8,454 79.06% Rents in kind: in grain 1,375 12.86% no. 6, with this URL:
  • 8. 7 ASSETS Value in Percent Value in Percent Gulden Subtotal Gulden of Total Rents in cash: money payments 864 8.08% Sub-total of Peasant Rents 10,693 100.00% 10,693 15.92% Foreign Peasants': Short Term Rents Labour Services 1,609 66.68% Rents in kind: in grain 804 33.32% Sub-total of 'Foreign Peasants' Rents 2,413 100.00% 2,413 3.59% TOTAL VALUES 67,156 100.00% Source: William Hagen, ‘How Mighty the Junkers? Peasant Rents and Seigneurial Profits in Sixteenth- Century Brandenburg’, Past & Present, no. 108 (August 1985), p. 100. (9) While this thesis may appear to be apt or useful for this region, for parts of Prussia and Poland (Vistula river valley), in particular, it hardly explains the spreading stain of serfdom into other areas of eastern Europe, where arable agriculture did not produce any significant export commodities; (10) Even in many parts of grain producing Poland it does not work: that some areas became enserfed (or more fully enserfed) after the decline of the Baltic grain trade. iii) Institutional Model: Landlords vs. the prince and peasants (the Jerome Blum model):6 The only common feature of the Second Serfdom concerns the political and economic powers of the landlords, feudal and especially Junker landlords, who enserfed their tenants: (1) The absence or weakness of peasant village organizations or other cohesive peasant communities able to resist the powers of aggressive feudal landlords. (2) The absence of weakness of market structures, especially urban based market structures, to allow peasants to engage in commercialized agriculture, to satisfy landlords with cash rents. (3) Above all the absence or weakness of centralized monarchical power, as in western Europe, to resist this expansion of feudal landlord power – which meant military power. (4) In many cases, the kings or princes of eastern Europe made a tacit or explicit compact with the feudal landlords: 6 Jerome Blum, ‘The Rise of Serfdom in Eastern Europe’, American Historical Review, 62 (July 1957), 807-36; Jerome Blum, The End of the Old Order in Rural Europe (Princeton, 1978). See also a further elaboration of this thesis in: Robert Brenner, ‘Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in Pre-Industrial Europe’, Past and Present, no. 70 (February 1976), pp. 30-74, reprinted in T. H. Aston and C. H. E. Philpin, eds., The Brenner Debate: Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in Pre-Industrial Europe (Cambridge, 1985), pp. 10 - 63.
  • 9. 8 # in return for the political support of these feudal magnates, and for their support for royal or princely justice and police powers in the territorial state (kingdom, duchy, etc.), # the king or prince would not interfere with the jurisdiction of the feudal magnates within their estates, i.e., the jurisdiction over their peasantry. (5) That same compact had once been true in medieval England, as I had mentioned before; # but the compact broke down from the later 14th century, and serfdom then declined, # as the crown (royal power) asserted its authority over feudal powers and courts within England (also in France) (6) Why did landlords seek to enserf and thus oppress their peasant tenants? # please understand clearly that serfdom does mean oppression: the denial of liberty and other basic human rights # it does mean exploitation with arbitrary exactions (e.g., labour services), if not checked by feudal- manorial customs (‘customary law’) # Thus: do landlords seek the power to oppress and enserf peasants because that is what landlords were expected to do: for the love of power? (6) In my view, this Blum-Brenner thesis on class relationships and relative powers of landlords and tenants makes sense only if we explain landlord motivations, in switching from Grundsherrschaft to Gutsherrschaft, in the fashion so described iv) In summary: The process of this so-called Second Serfdom was a slow, piecemeal one, (1) taking place for many complex reasons (explored in greater depth in my Eco. 301Y course), 7 (2) extending over about two centuries, from the later 15th to later 17th centuries, (3) reaching its peak in the 18th century, (4) in Mecklenburg, Brandenburg, Prussia, Poland, Lithuania, and Russia (and also in Bohemia-Moravia, Hungary, Rumania, etc.). (5) In the regions of East Prussia and Poland: along the Vistula River valley in particular, large centrally- run estates were organized for the production and export of grain (rye). 3. German Peasant Emancipation in the 19th Century: a) German ‘peasant emancipation’ during the 19th century was essentially emancipation from above, i) i.e., by the state, to avoid emancipation from below, by peasant revolution, ii) a persistent: fear created by the forces of the French Revolution and Napoleonic occupation of western Germany. 7 See ECO 301Y lecture no 7:
  • 10. 9 iii) Indeed the French Revolution and the revolutionary land reforms set the model: for not only Germany, but much of the rest of Europe as well (including Russia). iv) we must carefully observe both the similarities with and the differences from the French experience of peasant emancipation after the French Revolution b) Peasant Emancipation in Western Germany (outside of Prussia): i) In those Rhineland territories occupied by Napoleon: (1) the French military occupiers had abolished all feudal and servile ties outright, (2) giving the German peasantry the same rights enjoyed by French peasants. ii) Kingdom of Bavaria: succumbing to French pressure, abolished serfdom entirely in 1803. iii) Kingdoms of Saxony and Hanover: (1) resisted, however, any changes until a peasant revolt in 1830 forced these kingdoms to begin dismantling serfdom, along the same lines. (2) 1834: Saxony also established land banks to assist peasantry in buying their freedom. c) The Kingdom of Prussia (the largest in Germany): i) The Stein-Hardenberg reforms: (1) In response to the consequences of French Revolution, Napoleonic conquests in the west, and peasant emancipation there, (2) the Prussian government began dismantling serfdom with a series of edicts between 1805 and 1821, known as the Stein-Hardenberg reforms. ii) Basic provisions in summary (to 1821): (1) servile peasants who owed labour services but who also owned a plough team: # could purchase both their personal freedom and some of their land by handing over a portion of their tenancies to the landlord. # If they held their lands by hereditary tenure, they had to surrender only one-third; # If not, if they had no hereditary lands, they had to cede one half of their tenures. (2) small servile peasants, serfs without plough teams: were originally excluded from these decrees to maintain a labour supply for the Junkers. iii) This, therefore, was emancipation from above according to the philosophy of economic liberalism: in effect, (1) it really meant the loss of any feudal protection for the peasants, (2) while protecting the property rights of the landlords, compensating them for any losses. iv) Prussian Emancipation Law of 1850: in response to the abortive (but European wide) revolutions of 1848, the Prussian government hastily completed the process of peasant emancipation to give eastern peasants the same rights as those enjoyed in the west:
  • 11. 10 (1) all remaining servile obligations and dues, all feudal ties, were henceforth abolished; (2) and all peasant tenures were declared freehold. (3) all economic charges on land tenures were made fully redeemable in cash, which could be paid annually in form of increased rents. (4) it was no longer necessary for any peasant to surrender any of his holdings to obtain freedom and title to his land. v) The Rentenbank, an agricultural land-bank: Following the Saxon model, the Prussian government set up a land bank to assist the peasants in buying their lands. 4. Economic and Social Consequences of Peasant Emancipation: In general, the consequences were a perpetuation of those ancient east-west divisions across the Elbe, but under new conditions that favoured the Junker landlords in the east and the peasantry in the West. a) The Lands East of the Elbe River: i) the chief gainers, to repeat, were the Junker landlords of East Elbia:8: (1) not their serfs, because the pre-1850 emancipation laws proved so costly to the peasantry, (2) who thus had to give up from a third to half of their lands to the landlord, depending upon their status, to win their freedom. ii) Many peasants who did yield their lands under these circumstances found their remaining holdings in the Common Fields too small to be economically viable: and so many of them sold their lands entirely to the Junker landlords. German Agriculture in the early 20th century: 1907 (But in terms of post 1919-frontiers) Category of Land Percentages of the Total Arable Area per Category holdings: measured in in hectares hectares East Rest of All of Elbia* Germany Germany Under 5 ha. 8.7% 21.0% 16.2% 8 The most recent study is by a Professor Emeritus or our Department of Economics: Scott M. Eddie, Landownership in Eastern Germany Before the Great War (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2008).
  • 12. 11 Category of Land Percentages of the Total Arable Area per Category holdings: measured in in hectares hectares East Rest of All of Elbia* Germany Germany 5 - 20 ha. 21.3% 41.0% 33.4% 20 - 100 ha. 29.5% 29.9% 29.8% Over 100 ha. 40.5% 8.1% 20.6% Over 20 ha. 70.0% 38.0% 50.4% * East Elbia: Posen and West Prussia, East Prussia, Pomerania, Brandenburg-Berlin, Silesia, Mecklenburg. iii) Consequently by all such means, the eastern Junker landlords acquired about a million hectares (2.5 million acres), of peasant lands by 1860s. iv) The Junkers also gained economically by having their estates completely separated from peasant holdings: 9 (1) Note: when, in earlier times, landlords had leased out portions of their demesnes to peasant, they often did so in the traditional Common Field form of scattered plough strips, intermingled with the demesne strips that the landlord had retained (2) This curious system, also found in the West (and also in England), had the advantage for the landlord of having the peasants plough these demesne lands for the landlord (virtually free labour) (3) Now, after peasant emancipation, the manorial lords were thus better able to enclose their own lands to create compact often vast farms: i.e., enclosure without concern for peasant property rights. (4) With enclosure and untrammelled completely separated property rights, Junker landowners could now use their lands more effectively as collateral to borrow money through mortgages. 9 Note that especially from later medieval and/or early modern times, many landlords had allowed some or all of their domain lands to become mixed with the peasant tenancies in the great open fields, especially after leasing some domain lands to peasants. With increased labour exactions from servile peasant tenants, to work domain lands, that process was facilitated if domain strips to be cultivated were close to or adjacent to the strips of the peasants supplying such labour.
  • 13. 12 v) Many and finally most of those Junkers who enclosed and amalgamated their estates, and similarly also the larger peasant farmers who similarly engaged in enclosures, quickly modernized their farming techniques. (1) They replaced the traditional three field systems with convertible husbandry and multiple course crop rotations, thus greatly reducing the fallow. (2) Subsequently as we shall see they also led the way in applying chemical fertilizers and steam-powered farm machinery. vi) The necessary labour force to work these large estates or commercial farms came from the growing number of dispossessed landless peasants: in sharp contrast to France, eastern Germany had a surplus rather than a scarcity of agricultural peasant labour. b) The Lands West of the Elbe River: i) Here the land distribution was much more akin to that found in northern France after the Revolution: i.e., strongly skewed to small-scale peasant farming. ii) In south-west Germany, especially, most of the land was distributed in the form of very small scale peasant holdings: smaller indeed than was typical in France. iii) In central Germany, however, just west of the Elbe: we find a predominance of medium sized holdings (smaller nobility, gentry, richer peasants). iv) From the 1850s the spread of the railways, as in France, greatly promoted the spread of enclosures, by promoting the commercialization of agriculture, and by reducing farming costs. v) furthermore, the development of coal mining was also important: in reducing the need for wood fuel and thus permitting much forest land to be cleared and enclosed. vi) Again, as was the case in France, enclosure in western Germany did not generally lead to large-scale estates: again enclosure was more in the form of reallocation of peasant strips into compact but small farms. 5. Technical Advances in German Agriculture a) Productivity Gains: i) Of all European countries (certainly continental countries) after 1850, Germany -- central and eastern Germany -- made far and away the greatest technical advances in agriculture, achieved by far the greatest productivity gains. ii) Those gains were all the more impressive, when we consider the relatively poor soils and harsh climate involved for much of German agriculture, compared to northern France and England. b) The initial phase of productivity advances: the cultivation of leguminous crops: i) Leguminous or nitrogen fixing crops: (1) were planted as fodder crops, in form of multiple course crop rotations,
  • 14. 13 # to permit sharp reductions in the amount of fallow, # or to eliminate the need for fallow lands. (2) Recall from previous lectures: # that the root systems of such crops attracted parasitic insects and other organisms that absorbed nitrogen from the atmosphere # and thus created nitrogen based compounds that they deposited in the soil by their death and decay (symbiotic fixation: nitrification).10 (3) Nitrogen-fixation was also produced: # from the decay and deposits of the root systems themselves, and plant nodules, and stubble remaining after harvest, # and then ploughed into the soil, as ‘green manuring’. (4) Note again that nitrogen (N) is the single most important fertilizing chemical, followed by potassium (K). ii) clover, alfalfa (lucerne), and sainfoin (plant of pea family) were the most important in nitrogen fixing-properties: and far more powerful than the traditional legumes (or pulses: chiefly beans, peas, vetches, lupins): Nitrogen Fixation from Legume Residues: kilograms per hectare (= 2.47 acres) Legume Macro-organic Unmeasured Total Nitrogen Ratio to Pulses Pulses (peas, 30.00 30.00 1.000 beans, vetches) Clover 75.00 25.00 100.00 3.330 Sainfoin 112.50 57.50 170.00 5.667 Alfalfa (Lucerne) 150.00 75.00 225.00 7.500 Source: See Patrick Chorley, ‘The Agricultural Revolution in Northern Europe, 1750 - 1880’, Economic History Review, 2nd ser. 34 (Feb. 1981), 75-77. iii) they were doubly fertilizing: (1) From Nitrogen fixation in the soil: from the decay of parasitic bacteria, as just explained, who fed on the 10 From ‘Nitrification: To oxidize (an ammonia compound) into nitric acid, nitrous acid, or any nitrate or nitrite, especially by the action of nitrobacteria; to treat or combine with nitrogen or compounds containing nitrogen.’ From the Medical Dictionary: ‘The oxidation of an ammonia compound into nitric acid, nitrous acid, or any nitrate or nitrite, especially by the action of bacteria; the treatment or combination of a substance with nitrogen or compounds containing nitrogen.’
  • 15. 14 root systems of these legumes (2) From feeding these leguminous crops to livestock: who then produced manure, to be dug into the soils. iv) I must also stress that, for increasing soil fertility, the crops themselves were more important: 60% from nitrogen vs. 40% from the manure. v) The maximum impact was reached (according to Chorley) about 1880, (1) when cultivation of leguminous crops was permitting grain yields of about 12 to 15 quintals per hectare (1 quintal = 100 kg; 1 hectare = 2.47 acres) (2) thereafter chemical fertilizers became more important (though not that much more important). b) Second phase: cultivation of root crops in multiple rotations: especially sugar beets and potatoes (across northern Europe) from 1840s. i) Very dramatic increase in their cultivation from 1870s to 1914: (See table on screen). German Agriculture Annual Output of Certain Crops, 1871 - 1913, in Thousands of Metric Tons Decade Sugar Potatoes Wheat Rye Barley Oats Beets 1875-84 5,810 24,840 2,552 6,673 2,632 4,823 1885-94 9,510 30,460 3,045 7,237 2,666 5,587 1895-04 13,380 39,100 3,491 8,831 2,959 6,979 1905-14 16,090 45,790 3,956 10,665 3,244 8,382 Source: Alan Milward and S.B. Saul, Development of the Economies of Continental Europe, 1850 - 1914 (London, 1977, p. 54: Table 5. (1) sugar beets: from 5.810 million tons to 16.090 million tons (+176%). (2) potatoes: from 24.84 million tons to 45.79 million tons (+84.4%). ii) cultivation of these crops, while not in themselves nitrogen-fixing, did improve productivity and
  • 16. 15 grain outputs in several ways: (1) they rested the soil by taking out far fewer nutrients. (2) they required far more intensive soil cultivation (hoeing and aeration) thus improving soil for the grain crops that followed. (3) they promoted the use of chemical fertilizers. iii) they also provided an important source of fodder for livestock: potatoes or beet tops fed directly to livestock; and the waste products from both after being processed as industrial products. iv) industrial impact of these root crops: (1) sugar-refining industries: beet-sugar displaced much cane sugar. # The Kingdom of Saxony was the major centre, producing about 30% of Germany's sugar-beets; # and Germany itself became a major producer of beet-sugar, accounting for 30% of world production. # By 1900, Germany had over 400 factories processing 2 million metric tons of sugar a year. (2) distilling industries from potatoes: to produce vodka, schnapps. (3) Potato cultivation: serviced over 5,000 distilleries in 1900. c) Third phase: Chemical fertilizers i) Of all countries, Germany made the greatest progress in applying chemistry to scientific agriculture, beginning with Justus von Liebig’s seminal book on Chemistry and Its Application to Agriculture, published in 1840. [Discussed earlier in the topic on British agriculture] ii) German leadership in chemical agriculture was based upon a combination of: (1) decisive superiority in scientific educational facilities, especially in having a university system in which science played the dominant role. (2) world leadership in a new coal-based chemicals industry from 1870s. (3) large supply of chemical raw materials: # in form of coal (for nitrogen compounds) and potash (K2O), supplying potassium. # one important chemical fertilizer, superphosphate, was a byproduct of the German steel industry. iii) See table on the screen for rapid growth in applying chemical fertilizers in the later 19th and 20th centuries. German Agriculture: Average Annual Application of Chemical Fertilizers Kilograms per Hectare of Agricultural Land, 1878/80 - 1913/14 Period Nitrogen Superphosphate Potash (N) (P2O)(K2O)
  • 17. 16 Period Nitrogen Superphosphate Potash (N) (P2O)(K2O) 1878-80 0.7 1.6 0.8 1898-00 2.2 10.3 3.1 1913-14 6.4 18.9 16.7 1 hectare = 2.47 acres Source: J.A. Perkins, ‘The Agricultural Revolution in Germany, 1850 - 1914’, Journal of European Economic History, 10 (Spring 1981), p. 85. Note that German farmers on average used three times as much chemical fertilizers as did French farmers. d) Fourth and final phase: mechanization of German agriculture: especially from the 1880s i) mechanization with steam powered machinery: (1) with steam-powered ploughs, threshers, reapers, etc., (2) on large central and East German estates ii) relationship between mechanization and application of chemical fertilizers: (1) To the extent that steam powered machinery displaced draught (draft) animals – horses, oxen, mule, etc. – that would have led to a relative reduction in the production of fodder crops (2) To the extent that: # fodder crops had been leguminous (nitrogen fixing) # and that livestock fed f rom such crops had supplied manure for arable lands # there would have been a dual reduction in these fertilizing agents (3) Therefore the deficiencies in fertilizing agents provided by the combination of fodder crops and livestock manure had to be remedied: and chiefly by increased applications of chemical fertilizers (4) Refer to the discussion of this inter-related problem – of mechanization and chemical fertilizers – in our previous discussion of change in 19th-century British agriculture (lecture no. 15). e) Consequences for Agricultural Productivity: As a result of all these advances in crop rotations and fertilizers, in the mechanization of agriculture itself:
  • 18. 17 i) the amount of land lying fallow in Germany fell by over 50% from 1870s to 1900; and almost no land was left fallow in areas devoted to root crops with chemical fertilizers. ii) The statistical table below shows the very rapid increases in agricultural output and productivity after 1870s: Output of Principal Grain Crops of Selected European countries, in millions of quintals, in decennial averages, 1871-90 to 1905-14 Decade Great Britain France Germany Russia 1781-90 35.0 85.3 1791 - 1800 43.0 94.5 268.6 1815-24 49.5 104.0 n.a. 1825-34 n.a. 116.3 n.a. 1835-44 n.a. 131.4 310.1 1845-54 64.0 146.6 122.6 363.3 1855-64 68.0 158.5 153.7 381.2 1865-74 70.0 160.1 204.8 410.1 1875-84 n.a. 161.8 248.4 451.0 1885-94 56.9 160.1 304.6 515.4
  • 19. 18 Decade Great Britain France Germany Russia 1895-1904 52.5 172.1 391.0 479.3 1905-14 51.7 171.9 457.9 543.1 1 quintal = 100 kilograms = 0.10 metric ton = 220.46 lb. Source: Carlo Cipolla, ed., Fontana Economic History of Europe, Vol. IV:2, pp. 752-53. (1) in grain production: despite the expansion in other agricultural sectors, and thus a proportional contraction in land area devoted to grains, these crops (rye, wheat, barley) still remained the largest single component of German agriculture. (2) As the table shows, German grain output achieved a very dramatic increase from 1850s to 1914: # a 3.7 fold increase (270%) # compared to a mere 17% increase for French grain output during the same period. (3) Note that Germany's aggregate grain production was well behind the French in the 1840s, but it # ended up being 2.67 times greater, in 1914 # and almost 9 times greater than the British grain output # but of course Britain had deliberately contracted its grain-growing sector (4) Up to the 1870s, most of this dramatic increase in grain output came from expansion of the arable and reduction of the fallow. (5) In Prussia alone, the arable expanded 25% between 1815 and 1870: from 5.2 million to 6.5 million acres, or 2.65 million hectares. iii) Productivity Grains: From the 1870s to 1910, the expansion came essentially from rising soil productivity with nitrogen-fixing crops and chemical fertilizers. (1) Estimated that in this period German grain yields almost doubled: from 18.7 quintals to 32.9 quintals per hectare [quintal = 100 kg.] (2) Comparative grain yields are shown on tables on the screen; and again you should note how much higher they are than the French yields (though one table necessarily combines the yields and outputs for Germany, Belgium, and France combined, c. 1880). Crop Yields in France, Britain, and Germany, 1906-10
  • 20. 19 Kilograms of Output per Hectare of Land: Five-Year Means (1 hectare = 10,000 m 2 = 2.47 acres) Crop France Britain Germany Wheat 135 221 201 Rye 106 182 170 Barley 130 196 196 Oats 126 189 197 Potatoes 86 138 136 Source: J.A. Perkins, ‘The Agricultural Revolution in Germany, 1850-1914’, Journal of European Economic History, 10 (Spring 1981), p. 115. (3) Admittedly, the British grain yields are higher: but remember that British grain production and arable farming had shrunk, in face of cheap foreign imports under free trade, to a very small sector that had to be productive to survive, on the very best and most fertile grain lands. (4) In Germany, however, as in France, high protective tariffs from 1879 kept much more grain land in production, sheltered from cheap overseas grains. (5) Remember also that German soils and climate were much less favourable than those in Britain and northern France. iv) Also, note from the statistics on food production: the very dramatic increases in sugar beet and potato cultivation from the 1870s to 1914. v) Finally, from the table previously shown for French agriculture, calculating agricultural productivity in terms of millions of calories produced per year by a male farm worker, you will see (from Paul Bairoch's estimates) that overall German productivity in agriculture by 1910 was higher than that for any European
  • 21. 20 country, and was exceeded only by the US. Indices of European and American Agricultural Productivity from 1810 to 1910 Annual net output per agricultural worker (male) measured in million of calories COUNTRY 1810 1840 1860 1880 1900 1910 Britain 14.0 17.5 20.0 23.5 22.5 23.5 France 7.0 11.5 14.5 14.0 15.5 17.0 Germany 7.5 10.5 14.5 22.0 25.0 Russia 7.0 7.5 7.0 9.0 11.0 USA 21.5 22.5 29.0 31.0 42.0 Source: Paul Bairoch, ‘Niveaux de développement économique de 1810 à 1910’, Annales: Économies, sociétés, civilisations, 20 (1965), 1096, Table 1. 6. Contributions of German Agriculture to German Industrialization a) Population and the Food Supply: i) as can be seen in next table on screen, concerning population in major 19th century countries: The Populations of Selected European Countries in millions, in decennial intervals, 1800-1910 Year Great Britain Belgium France Germany Russia 1800 10.7 3.1 27.3 n.a. 35.5 1810 12.0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
  • 22. 21 Year Great Britain Belgium France Germany Russia 1820 14.1 n.a. 30.5 25.0 48.6 1830 16.3 4.1 32.6 28.2 56.1 1840 18.5 4.1 34.2 31.4 62.4 1850 20.8 4.3 35.8 34.0 68.5 1860 23.2 4.5 37.4 36.2 74.1 1870 26.0 4.8 36.1a 40.8b 84.5 1880 29.7 5.3 37.7 45.2 97.7 1890 33.0 6.1 38.3 49.4 117.8 1900 37.0 6.6 39.0 56.4 132.9 1910 40.9 7.4 39.6 64.9 160.7 a Excluding Alsace-Lorraine. b Including Alsace-Lorraine. Sources: B.R. Mitchell and P. Deane, Abstract of British Historical Statistics (Cambridge, 1962), pp. 8-10; Carlo Cipolla, ed., Fontana Economic History of Europe, Vol. IV:2, pp. 747-48. (1) Germany's population grew very rapidly in the course of the 19th century, by 160%, i.e., a 2.6 fold increase; (2) and thus Germany grew three times faster than did France, whose population increased only by 50%. ii) Obviously that greatly expanded agricultural output, especially of grains, at least facilitated that rapid population growth; iii) indeed for most of the 19th century, German grain production did rise faster than the domestic population. iv) Certainly one may also argue that this increased agricultural production, with a wide variety of crops, also improved nutrition and living standards Germany. b) The Provision of an Industrial Labour Force: i) as in Britain, the combination of agrarian and demographic changes were very important in supplying a large and elastic industrial labour force for Germany industry: (1) labour drawn from both a dispossessed, landless peasantry and a growing population, a population increasingly freed from or separated from the land.
  • 23. 22 (2) Nevertheless, as in Britain, those agrarian and labour force changes # did not occur immediately and directly, # because much of the dispossessed peasantry initially served as an agricultural labour force (ie. as an agrarian proletariat) on large estates, # possibly involving a considerable disguised unemployment. ii) Labour Displacement: From the 1870s, however, with much more extensive mechanization, and productivity increases from chemical agriculture, much of that excess labour was dislodged and was forced to leave the land. iii) Migration to Industrial Areas: By 1910, over two million peasants had migrated from agrarian areas of East Prussia to settle in chiefly industrial areas: around Berlin, Saxony, and the Ruhr valley in particular. iv) Results in Agriculture: From 1860 to 1910, the percentage of the total population engaged in German agriculture fell from about 60% (21.7 million) to just 32.0% (20.8 million), which meant a sharp relative fall and a slight absolute reduction in numbers as well. v) Urbanization: Finally, note that the percentage of the population living in industrial cities rose (1) from just 20% in 1800 to 40% by 1880 and (2) then rose to over 60% by 1910, when Germany had clearly become an industrialized state.
  • 24. Table 1. Composition of the Capitalized Market Value of the Stavenow Manorial Estates in Brandenburg (East Germany) in 1601 ASSETS Value in Percent Value in Percent Gulden Subtotal Gulden of Total Manor: House and Demesne Farm 5,813 8.66% Buildings Manorial Forest: Income from 15,552 23.16% Demesne Production Grain Sales: income from 12,104 45.44% Livestock Production: income from sales 10,917 40.99% Fisheries and Gardens: income from 3,615 13.57% Sub-total of Demesne incomes 26,636 100.00% 26,636 39.66% Manorial Jurisdictions and Properties Manorial Courts and Jurisdictional Fees 4,400 72.74% Manorial Mills: rental incomes 1,649 27.26% Sub-total of Manorial Jurisdictions 6,049 100.00% 6,049 9.01% Peasant Rents: Servile Tenancies Labour Services 8,454 79.06% Rents in kind: in grain 1,375 12.86% Rents in cash: money payments 864 8.08% Sub-total of Peasant Rents 10,693 100.00% 10,693 15.92% Foreign Peasants': Short Term Rents Labour Services 1,609 66.68% Rents in kind: in grain 804 33.32% Sub-total of 'Foreign Peasants' Rents 2,413 100.00% 2,413 3.59% TOTAL VALUES 67,156 100.00% Source: William Hagen, ‘How Mighty the Junkers? Peasant Rents and Seigneurial Profits in Sixteenth-Century Brandenburg’, Past & Present, no. 108 (August 1985), p. 100.
  • 25. Table 2. The Populations of Europe, by Regions, 1500 - 1800 in millions Region 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 North 7.6 9.5 11.0 14.3 15.1 17.4 25.3 West NW 12.5% 13.6% 14.1% 19.2% 18.1% 17.9% 20.7% % of Europe Central 29.0 33.8 36.9 33.5 38.2 43.8 53.5 Europe Cent 47.6% 48.3% 47.4% 45.0% 45.7% 45.1% 43.8% % of Europe Mediter 18.3 20.0 22.3 19.6 22.8 26.5 31.2 ranean Med 30.0% 28.6% 28.6% 26.3% 27.3% 27.3% 25.5% % of Europe Eastern 6.0 6.6 7.7 7.1 7.4 9.4 12.2 Europe Eastern 9.9% 9.5% 9.9% 9.5% 8.9% 9.7% 10.0% % of Europe TOTAL 60.9 69.9 77.9 74.5 83.5 97.1 122.2 Source: Jan De Vries, ‘Population’, in T.A. Brady, H.A. Oberman, and J.D. Tracy, eds., Handbook of European History, 1400-1600, Vol. I: Structures and Assertions (Leiden, 1994), p. 13
  • 26. Table 3. French and German Agriculture in the 19th century Distribution of Farm Lands Table 3a. French Agriculture in the 19th century Distribution of Farm Lands by the 1881 Survey Category Number Percentage Area in Per Cent of Farms of Total Hectares of Total by Area Farms (2.47 acres) Area Under 5 hectares 1,866,000 53.3% 5,600,000 11.5% 5 - 20 hectares 1,200,000 34.2% 12,300,000 25.3% 20 - 40 hectares 296,000 8.5% 8,400,000 17.3% Over 40 hectares (100 acres) 142,000 4.1% 22,300,000 45.9% TOTAL 3,504,000 100.0% 48,600,000 100.0% Over 20 hectares 438,000 12.5% 30,700,000 63.2%
  • 27. Table 3b. German Agriculture in the early 20th century: 1907 (But in terms of post 1919-frontiers) Category Percentages of the Total Arable Area per Category in hectares East Rest of All Elbia* Germany Germany Under 5 ha. 8.7% 21.0% 16.2% 5 - 20 ha. 21.3% 41.0% 33.4% 20 - 100 ha. 29.5% 29.9% 29.8% Over 100 ha. 40.5% 8.1% 20.6% (250 acres) Over 20 ha. 70.0% 38.0% 50.4% * East Elbia: Posen and West Prussia, East Prussia, Pomerania, Brandenburg-Berlin, Silesia, Mecklenburg.
  • 28. Table 4. Output of Principal Grain Crops of Selected European countries, in millions of quintals, in decennial averages, 1871-90 to 1905-14 Decade Great Britain France Germany Russia 1781-90 35.0 85.3 39089 43.0 94.5 268.6 1815-24 49.5 104.0 n.a. 1825-34 n.a. 116.3 n.a. 1835-44 n.a. 131.4 310.1 1845-54 64.0 146.6 122.6 363.3 1855-64 68.0 158.5 153.7 381.2 1865-74 70.0 160.1 204.8 410.1 1875-84 n.a. 161.8 248.4 451.0 1885-94 56.9 160.1 304.6 515.4 1895-1904 52.5 172.1 391.0 479.3 1905-14 51.7 171.9 457.9 543.1 1 quintal = 100 kilograms = 0.10 metric ton = 220.46 lb. Source: Carlo Cipolla, ed., Fontana Economic History of Europe, Vol. IV:2, pp. 752-53.
  • 29. Table 5: Nitrogen Fixation from Legume Residues: kilograms per hectare (= 2.47 acres) Legume Macro-organic Unmeasured Total Nitrogen Ratio to Pulses Pulses (peas, 30.00 30.00 1.000 beans, vetches) Clover 75.00 25.00 100.00 3.330 Sainfoin 112.50 57.50 170.00 5.667 Alfalfa 150.00 75.00 225.00 7.500 (Lucerne) Source: Patrick Chorley, ‘The Agricultural Revolution in Northern Europe, 1750 - 1880’, Economic History Review, 2nd ser. 34 (Feb. 1981), 75-77.
  • 30. Table 6. Crop Yields in France, Britain, and Germany, 1906-10 Kilograms of Output per Hectare of Land: Five-Year Means (1 hectare = 2.47 acres) Crop France Britain Germany Wheat 135 221 201 Rye 106 182 170 Barley 130 196 196 Oats 126 189 197 Potatoes 86 138 136 Source: J.A. Perkins, ‘The Agricultural Revolution in Germany,1850-1914’, Journal of European Economic History, 10 (Spring 1981), p. 115. ********************** Table 7. Wheat-tons per Labour-unit in Agriculture in Selected Countries: France, Britain, Germany, and the U. S. in 1880 and 1930 Country 1880 1930 France 7.4 13.2 Great Britain 16.2 20.1 Germany 7.9 16.0 United States 13.0 22.5
  • 31. Table 8. Indices of European and American Agricultural Productivity from 1810 to 1910 Annual net output per agricultural worker (male) measured in million of calories COUNTRY 1810 1840 1860 1880 1900 1910 Britain 14 17.5 20 23.5 22.5 23.5 France 7 11.5 14.5 14 15.5 17 Germany 7.5 10.5 14.5 22 25 Russia 7 7.5 7 9 11 USA 21.5 22.5 29 31 42 Source: Paul Bairoch, ‘Niveaux de développement économique de 1810 à 1910’, Annales: Économies, sociétés, civilisations, 20 (1965), 1096, Table 1.
  • 32. Table 9. German Agriculture: Output Statistics Annual Output of Certain Crops, 1871 - 1913, in Thousands of Metric Tons Decade Sugar Potatoes Wheat Rye Barley Oats Beets 1875-84 5810 24,840 2,552 6,673 2,632 4,823 1885-94 9,510 30,460 3,045 7,237 2,666 5,587 1895-04 13,380 39,100 3,491 8,831 2,959 6,979 1905-14 16,090 45,790 3,956 10,665 3,244 8,382 Source: Alan Milward and S.B. Saul, Development of the Economies of Continental Europe, 1850 - 1914 (London, 1977, p. 54: Table 5.
  • 33. Table 10. German Agriculture: Average Annual Application of Chemical Fertilizers Kilograms per Hectare of Agricultural Land, 1878/80 - 1913/14 Period Nitrogen Superphosphate Potash (N) (P2O) (K2O) 1878-80 0.7 1.6 0.8 1898-00 2.2 10.3 3.1 1913-14 6.4 18.9 16.7 1 hectare = 2.47 acres Source: J.A. Perkins, ‘The Agricultural Revolution in Germany, 1850 - 1914’, Journal of European Economic History, 10 (Spring 1981), p. 85.
  • 34. Table 11. Comparative Crops Yields in Northern Europe, 1790 - 1880 Crop France 1781-90 Germany Germany, Germany, c.1800 France, France, Belgium, c.1880 Belgium, c.1880 quintals/hectare quintals/hectare quintals/hectare metric tonnes: millions Wheat 11.50 10.30 13.95 9.950 Rye 8.00 9.00 12.35 8.864 Barley 11.00 8.10 14.52 3.646 Oats 5.00 8.50 13.50 9.589 * 1 quintal = 100 kg. 1 hectare = 10,000 square metres = 2.471 acres Source: Patrick Chorley, ‘The Agricultural Revolution in Northern Europe, 1750 - 1880’, Economic History Review, 2nd ser. 34 (Feb. 1981), 83.
  • 35. Table 12. The Populations of Selected European Countries in millions, in decennial intervals, 1800-1910 Year Great Belgium France Germany Russia Britain 1800 10.7 3.1 27.3 n.a. 35.5 1810 12 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1820 14.1 n.a. 30.5 25.0 48.6 1830 16.3 4.1 32.6 28.2 56.1 1840 18.5 4.1 34.2 31.4 62.4 1850 20.8 4.3 35.8 34.0 68.5 1860 23.2 4.5 37.4 36.2 74.1 1870 26.0 4.8 36.1a 40.8b 84.5 1880 29.7 5.3 37.7 45.2 97.7 1890 33.0 6.1 38.3 49.4 117.8 1900 37.0 6.6 39.0 56.4 132.9 1910 40.9 7.4 39.6 64.9 160.7 a Excluding Alsace-Lorraine. b Including Alsace-Lorraine. Sources: B.R. Mitchell and P. Deane, Abstract of British Historical Statistics (Cambridge, 1962), pp. 8-10; Carlo Cipolla, ed., Fontana Economic History of Europe, Vol. IV:2, pp. 747-48.